Artist Statement

To capture the vibrancy of nature (in its brightness and its darkness and everything in between), to express the richness of creation, to let that beauty reflect itself in the rivers, the lakes, the ocean and even the puddles, yes! That’s why I do art.

My medium is acrylic on canvas with the use of high gloss, gloss, satin and other varnishes to enrich the expression of tones, hues, shades and all together highlight my compositions. I enjoy developing my art with the use of the grid method to accomplish precision.

Creating harmony, bringing forth my thoughts and visions and then sharing it with the crowd around me is my desire.

All creation fills my soul, so I paint!

Marta Nelson, Artist
Art By Manel

Artist Bio

Hi there everyone!

What to say about myself? I am a self-made acrylic artist!

I was born in picturesque San Juan, Puerto Rico. I achieved a degree in nursing, a profession that I proudly practiced for forty years or so — I lost count. I have been living with my hubby in NC for the past four years. Five years ago, I became intrigued about this amazing art of creating in acrylics. In other words, I exchanged my needles for my brushes. On the way I have done courses with some local artists but for the past year I have been under the teaching of an experienced local artist, as I call her Miss Tammy (Tammy Willard). I’m very grateful for the knowledge and encouragement she has poured in my new career. I’m also thankful for all input given to me by a known Texas artist, Muzetta Aponte. Thanks!

I love to sing, play my guitar, enjoy time with all the people I love and make new friends along the way.

My work speaks about my love for the Creator, creation itself and overall my enthusiasm for the awesomeness around me.

Marta Nelson


If you’re interested in purchasing a piece of artwork for yourself, get in touch with me below to receive more details.